How is it made?
DMP (direct metal printing) also known as Additive Manufacturing

Where is it made?
Right here in small town USA!

What material is it made from?
Our products are made from FDA Approved Cobalt Chromium Alloy

This product is ISO 22674:2016 metallic materials that are suitable for the fabrication of dental restorations and appliances

Impressions, digital/analog?
We accept both models and digital files

Do you design?
Contact us for more information

What format of files do you accept?
We accept STL files

How do you care for it?
Our products are non-porous, therefore extremely easy to keep clean

How do you insert and adjust?
We will supply spec sheets on how to insert and adjust each appliance.

What is your turn time?
Currently, we average a 4 day or less turn time